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Jolie Hodson

Changing Leadership Style (Series 3 Ep 3)

Kia ora,

Welcome back to The conversation in this episode puts the spotlight on how our leadership styles have changed as our careers have progressed. We can all reflect on a time earlier in our career and cringe slightly as we think about an example of where we would have acted differently if we’d had the benefit of more leadership experience or coaching.

Jolie Hodson, OBB Team Member

I know earlier in my career I could have spent more time upfront with my people, having the courage to share my point of view and taking the time explain the “why” so they could build more meaning into what we were doing.

Jolie Hodson, OBB Team Member

In this episode Dame Therese reflects on how leadership changes as you move from management to governance and in particular as Chair of a Board, stepping back from hands on involvement, working through others and giving them the space they need to do their role well.

I certainly learnt a lot from listening to the different perspectives and experiences of others. I think the other thing you’ll see as you watch the videos in this episode, is no matter where you are in your career there are always opportunities to keep learning and adapting your leadership style. Happy viewing.

Ngā mihi


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