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Looking Forward and Rebuilding Better - Family Planning - Dr Mary Birdsall (Series 4 Ep 2)

Kia ora,

In Episode 2 of this Series 4, some deeply personal issues are addressed – fertility and the impact on family and career. In two videos our guest Dr Mary Birdsall looks at the impact of Covid-19 on people engaging with Fertility Associates and issues such as women taking charge of their fertility journey. Dr Birdsall is Fertility Specialist and Group Medical Director with Fertility Associates.

Dr Mary Birdsall, Fertility Specialist and Group Medical Director with Fertility Associates

In the first video we hear from Dr Birdsall and her perspective and insights on Covid-19 and how this throws light on choices that women can make.

Dr Mary Birdsall, Fertility Specialist and Group Medical Director with Fertility Associates

In her second video Dr Mary Birdsall focuses on issues that every woman faces in addressing that squiggly line between our personal and work lives.

Dr Mary Birdsall, Fertility Specialist and Group Medical Director with Fertility Associates

Do watch the video as it contains very deeply important information for all women, whatever their age. Here is an insight into Dr Birdsall’s second video:

How should women look at the fertility issue in this day and age?

Covid 19 gave many women reflection time on the importance of family. And Fertility Associates social media presence invited more people to come in and connect with us on their journey and we saw the impact of this. Covid has given a chance for many women in New Zealand to reflect what is really important in their lives.

What is your opinion on a woman's choice between starting a family or pursuing their career?

Every woman should take charge of their fertility journey. Take action so you know what your future looks like, and you can then make smart decisions before your options are more limited.

“Every woman should take charge of their fertility journey.”

How should women deal with society's view on their personal decisions and how it reflects on them?

Dr Birdsall feels society is becoming far more accepting and she gives the Prime Minister having a baby in office as an example. The PM is a wonderful example of doing it all; provided we have enough help. And we need to accept that help. For most of us having a baby is really really important. We have the rest of our lives to have a career, but a window to have babies.

“We have the rest of our lives to have a career, but a window to have babies.”

What is your message to women who cannot conceive?

There are always options. We can help any woman of any age have a baby.

What are the benefits of women freezing eggs?

The average age a woman can have her last child is 41 years. Dr Birdsall would love every woman to be more educated about what their time frame looks like.

Thank you Dr Birdsall, this offers many women a chance to put fertility and family planning into a personal and professional context.

In Episode 3 we will get valuable insights from other leading New Zealand leaders and business women.

Ngā mihi


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